Friday, November 13, 2009

episode 21 : end of sem & MatsuJun!!

Umedetto!!!! (congrats in jap)
Banzai!! (hurray in jap)

umedetto n banzai because finally 3rd sem has finished!! :D

exams are pretty tough.. *sigh..
since when exams are easy anyway???
enough said!

my new addiction right now are japanese's soap opera n matsumoto jun!!!!

-MatsuJun aka Matsumoto Jun-

matsujun is a member of Arashi, quite popular boyband in japan.
derang nih ala-ala n'sync laa..

i'll upload one of the arashi's vclip later aite..

-matsumoto-kun, ai shi teru!! -


amirah, i said...

kahkahkahkahkaha !!!! letup kak !

n.a.k.a said...

u should watch hana yori dango.he's F4 leader and damn ryte he's hot in that drama!and cute yes2!:D

amirah, i said...

ohh naie . kami sudah tonton dan menang cerita tu . hahahha