Sunday, November 23, 2008

episode 2 : not ready?? whatev..

i just dont get man sometimes u noe.. they said women are are worse!!!
im waiting for this guy to be ready to commit in a relationship..
but he just cant set up his mind..
he said he needs time..
ok fine..go ahead dude..!!!
take the whole time in this world..

so im in a complicated situation rite now..well sort of..
i dont normally do this..waiting for a guy...
so he should consider himself lucky!

ouh not gonna be like a stupid girl..waiting like an idiot..
i just go with the flow..if he's gonna be with me..then he'll be..
if not..i just have to accept it..
im not gonna push him to be with me..
im not pushy..if he loves me..he should know what to do..
rite guys?

to add up the spice..

i went to kl cntral to meet up with my bestie,anissa..
guess who i saw??
that bitchy kampung girl..from my college..
dont know what she's doing there..walking here and there alone..
soo pathetic!

know i called her kampung??
bcause she doesnt want to admit that she's from kelantan..
like what's wrong with living in kelantan???
i dont mean to criticised kelantanese..but c'mon girl..get real..
n she's she said lightning instead of lighting..
can u imagine that??

whatev girl..

hope tomorrow gonna be a better day!


1 comment:


weirddd. im proud i came from taiping.
(but still i have a lot of people think i am being denial - they think i come from KL) kelantan is a cool place ok. she's weird. :ppp

anddd don't wait for the guy if you dont love him. its just a waste of time. ;)